We advertise job vacancies here. Keep checking with us if you are looking for a teaching job; you might be the right person we need.


Lambano school, Fatoki, No 6 Benson Adu Avenue, Isuti Rd, Egan, Lagos. - 54353
The driver will pick up the children from their various locations in the morning and return them safely in the evening after school.

He must be neat, patient, and have good communication skills to manage the children during transit. 
1. Two guarantors with phone numbers and home addresses
.2. Must have at least an OND.
3. Must be married.
4. Must be born again (God-fearing).

 1. If you register your child or children at Lambano, the school will give you a discount on fees. Other benefits will be provided if their performance improves
  You will be entitled to awards and rewards given to all staff members for good performance and other achievements.

 1. keep the school buss neat
  2. resume earlier and close late
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